The day has finally dawned, we have just 60 miles left and as I rashly said on FaceBook I'll walk on my hands and knees to get there. We ate breakfast in silence, smiling, knowing that at the end of today it would be over one way or another. The A30 was rolling slowly to the end of the country, first we would be freewheeling next minute we would be pedaling like mad to get up the other side. After about an hour of this entertainment Colin was trying to tell me his tyre had blown again, and again we would have to fix it. This time Gwyneth wasn't close by and after some inginuity we were back on the road, although we could not get it fully inflated. Gwyn met us further along the road, the tyre was pumped up fully and we were off at full pelt. Eventually we reached Penzance and was met with the news that it was all up hill to Lands End. How could this be possible? Wasn't it at sea level? The answer to these two last questions are, yes it is possible and it's on top of a cliff. It seems that in Cornwall everything of interest is put on top of a hill and the road to it always starts at the bottom.

And before we knew it we were there, 874 miles, John O'Groats to Lands End.
The final set of stats are
hereI will tidy this blog within the next week or two meanwhile,
I have been told many times that we should have done it the other way on, I don't know which way is best but I couldn't help feeling sorry for all those fresh cyclists just setting off, Good luck.